Ghost Boys pg.132

I think that officer Moore should give up on lies. According to the texts, officer Moore said that Jerome was bigger than any other 12-year-old which was a lie because Jerome was only 5 feet tall. Also in the book, one of the lawyers say why did you shoot Jerome he was running away and officer Moore said “I was in fear for my life.” And why was officer Moore scared it should Jerome who is scared because he was the one that got shoot.

Pay It Forward ch.26

When Gordie and his boyfriend were getting beat up I think the person who was saying “hey” was Matt who work at the store. In the book, Matt still has to pay it forward he payed it forward to Sidnie G but he got in jail. I would of thought Trevor but he is in D.C.

So, it was Trevor who was trying to save Gordie and his boyfriend. Also he pushed the people who was beating Gordie and his boyfriend but he got stabbed and he is in a surgery which I think he will get through that because he is pretty brave.

Ghost Boys

I think it was a good idea to take the plastic gun but also not. According to the text, Jerome took the toy gun to protect himself and Carols from the bullies which thought the gun was real. Also, in the book he didn’t want to lose he’s new friend (Carols) which told him to take the plastic gun. I also think it was a bad idea to take the plastic gun. In the book, Jerome was scared that his parents and grandma would find out and would think it was a real gun. Also in the book, he got shot by a police officer that was white because he thought Jerome had a real gun ,and with the toy gun Carols give him would start that problem. That’s why I think it was a good idea but also not a good idea.

Ghost Boys

I think Jerome is depressed. In the book, he gets bullied by Eddie, Snap, and Mike. They dump Jerome’s backpack, they push him, they also pulled down his pants, and hit him. Also according to the text, Jerome wants to sit in the bathroom during lunch by himself and hopes that Eddie, Snap, and Mike will forget about him and will find a new target. I also think Jerome has no friends. In the book, Jerome gets bullied and if he had friends I think they would stand up for Jerome.