Ghost Boys

I think it was a good idea to take the plastic gun but also not. According to the text, Jerome took the toy gun to protect himself and Carols from the bullies which thought the gun was real. Also, in the book he didn’t want to lose he’s new friend (Carols) which told him to take the plastic gun. I also think it was a bad idea to take the plastic gun. In the book, Jerome was scared that his parents and grandma would find out and would think it was a real gun. Also in the book, he got shot by a police officer that was white because he thought Jerome had a real gun ,and with the toy gun Carols give him would start that problem. That’s why I think it was a good idea but also not a good idea.

4 thoughts on “Ghost Boys

  1. I thought it was a bad idea to take the plastic gun because instead of protecting himself with a plastic gun, he just could of told the teachers about the bullies at school or tell his parents.

  2. I agree with wyatt it was a bad idea to take the toy gun he could of gotten bullied more if they found out it was a toy.

  3. Yeah Jerome could of told his parents that he was getting bullied but in the book he didn’t want to tell them because they had too much to worry about.

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